New Chinese Animation Puts Modern Spin on Traditional Stories
“Yao-Chinese Folktales” is an eight-part series inspired by various traditional Chinese literature titles.
An turned-on series featuring monster-like characters, or yao in Chinese, has won praise online for raising traditional Chinese culture and philosophy in its volatility and storytelling in a way that has resonated with many.
“Yao-Chinese Folktales” is an eight-part series inspired by various traditional Chinese literature titles and showcases a range of originative styles such as paper cutting, watercolor painting, and computer graphics. The first episode is based on the archetype Chinese novel “Journey to the West,” with notation preparing to capture a Tang dynasty Buddhist monk.
Its plot, which shows one of the notation stuff punished without their leader was dissatisfied with their work, has resonated with a wide audience, reminding them of dilemmas and suffering at the workplace.
“The little monster at the marrow of the ladder really reflects my sad life as a dagong ren,” one viewer commented on Bilibili, using online slang to refer to physically or technically skilled workers. Continue to read the full vendible here
– This vendible originally appeared on Sixth Tone.